Academic Publications
▪ Beaulieu, J. (2021) ‘Green competition: Introduction to the interactions between competition and environmental policy in Canada’, Canadian Competition Law Review, 33(2), 144, 2021.
▪ Thérien, D., and Beaulieu, J. (2019) ‘Certaines pratiques restrictives du commerce’, in JCQ Droit des affaires – Droit de la consommation et de la concurrence. 2019.
Policy Reports and Advocacy
▪ Beaulieu, J. (2024) ‘Greenwashing in the Financial Sector: Time for Transparency and Accountability’, Québec Environmental Law Center, 2024.
▪ Beaulieu, J. (2022) ‘Climate-washing in Québec and Canada: How to turn the tide’, Québec Environmental Law Center, 2022.